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About Us

WebLink2 (weblink squared) is a leading provider of managed infrastructure solutions, providing companies of all sizes with cost-effective, secure solutions encompassing Web hosting, security, and professional consulting services. WebLink2 also offers its solutions via a Branded Solutions model that enables companies to private label our offerings.

We makes it easier and more cost-effective for our customers to acquire, maintain and manage their IT infrastructure via selective outsourcing. We sell to the large/enterprise market through our direct sales force and to the small and medium-business market (SMB) through our Branded Solutions program.

If it weren't important, you wouldn't have put it on your Web site. And it doesn't matter how important your Web site is, if nobody can connect to it, it's useless. That's why using WebLink2 is such a smart choice. We make sure your web server is up and running, all day, every day. But it's not just reliable, it's blazing fast. We deliver the fastest, most reliable service available anywhere.




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